Globalisation has increased international trade, reduced borders and reduced the price of travel; these influences have contributed to creating Push and Pull factors. By offering cheap travel and promises of a better life abroad, there has been an increase of individuals who end up in exploitative situations that they cannot escape from. As a result of this, Human Trafficking has quickly become the second most profitable criminal enterprise worldwide, surpassed only by the illicit drugs industry.
This policy of slavery and human trafficking is made in compliance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”), in which we explain how slavery and human trafficking can affect our business and the steps we are taking in the fight against it.
Our Mission and Values
Our mission is to be a leading global provider of bespoke services exceeding both client and candidate expectations. We will achieve this by focusing on and committing to:
Working in collaboration with our clients
Supporting and developing our professional workforce
Continually striving for excellence
Seeking new challenges and expanding our business
Adding value to industry and clients
In accordance with our values as outlined in our Corporate Social Responsibility, TXM Recruit is committed to acting with integrity, professionalism, fairness and respect across all business functions.
Adherence to the Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
At TXM Recruit, we are committed to ensure that there is zero modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our TXM Recruit supply chains.
We are committed to ensure that a consistent Company-wide and professional approach is adopted across all business functions when dealing with matters of slavery and human trafficking.
We abide by our professional Corporate Social Responsibility policy and industry Code of Professional Conduct, which outlines our core values and principles to act responsibly, honestly and fairly when conducting our business. All of our employees are required to adhere to these rules and understand its importance to the professionalism and reputation of our brand.
We understand the importance and impact of partnership working. Our suppliers, contractors and other business partners are therefore expected to comply with the same high standards. As part of our recruitment processes, we specifically prohibit against the use of forced, compulsory or trafficked labour, or anyone held in slavery or servitude. Our Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy is shared on our website and distributed to our clients and suppliers.
TXM Recruit will ensure that any partnership entered into, any supplier used and/or those who work on behalf of or provide a service to TXM Recruit will be aware of this Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking policy. Furthermore, they are required to demonstrate adherence to our standards, principles and values for them to be able to continue with their working relationship in any guise with TXM Recruit.
Our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy reflects our Company’s commitment and deals with the implementation and enforcement of effective systems and controls to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our business and in our supply chains. TXM Recruit will not use or work with any third party that does not adhere to the principles and standards of this policy.
Our Approach
Our approach to tackling the risk of slavery and human trafficking within our business includes:
Requesting suppliers to abide by our Supplier Code of Conduct;
Ensuring that our suppliers and contractors are alert to the risks of slavery and human trafficking and communicate to us the steps they are taking to address this issue;
Following robust placement processes including compliance checks, identity checks and greater scrutiny of higher-risk placements;
Having a dedicated contractor on-boarding team which provide independent evaluation of placements and a secondary direct contact for the worker to report any concerns regarding slavery and human trafficking;
Maintaining oversight at Group level through our Management and HR team to whom all employees can address issues of concern;
Maintaining a whistleblowing policy and procedures to support staff and contractors who raise any concerns; and
Engaging with other organisations and professional bodies to learn and share best practice, including membership of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation and the Association of Professional Staffing Companies.
Provide the Police force with information on victims of human trafficking with the assurance of a quality focused investigation and appropriate support tailored to each individual needs regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and cultural or religious background.
Monitoring and Feedback
TXM Recruit is committed to ensure that all suppliers either have or adhere to the principles and standards of this Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy. In addition to this, TXM Recruit will ensure that all employees, consultants or those who work on behalf of TXM Recruit qualify and have the relevant entitlement to work in the UK, which is evidenced by a number of original legal documentation which is reviewed by an employee of TXM Recruit.
TXM Recruit is committed to ensure that all employees are paid at a prevailing rate of pay for any work activity undertaken.
TXM Recruit is committed to ensure that suppliers and recruitment processes are monitored and assessed to ensure that this Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking policy is both implemented and adhered to.
Variation of Policy
TXM Recruit reserves the right to make amendments to this policy at any time and in accordance with business and legislation changes.